Thursday, January 13, 2011

Can I just have a minute?

It’s my favorite time of the day. Kids have left for school, I’m dressed and the coffee is ready. The dog has been out and the husband is still quietly snoring. Work doesn’t begin for another thirty minutes and I’m all alone! I open my Bible to the lesson for today and begin to pray and read and pray some more. I can think, I can concentrate, I can listen for that small, still voice to speak to me.

Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

Then, the clock strikes. The emails start dinging, the conference calls begin and my day is off and running. Duty calls and I become a sales person, a mother, a wife. Then my husband starts his day and MSNBC’s analysts are our familiar friends. It’s busy, busy straight through until the school bus rounds the corner and the dog barks raucously to welcome the kids home. The four hours after dinner are filled with homework, practices, church and rehearsals. We’re lucky to have an hour of family time together at the end of a grueling day.

This is our life. This is the life of most American families today. But something is missing. We have no time for ourselves. We have no time to sit and chat, to sit and dream, to sit and think, to sit and pray!

“I think that I cannot preserve my health and spirits, unless I spend four hours a day at least - and it is commonly more than that - sauntering through the woods and over the hills and fields, absolutely free from all worldly engagements.” ~Henry David Thoreau

I have begun to realize that I need more dedicated time in my life for thinking, dreaming and prayer. My family needs downtime to recharge and to enjoy the peace and comfort of regular rest and serenity. We all need a chance to contemplate God’s goodness and to consider our hopes and dreams.

When I think of peace and rest, I think back to my love of the ocean and the mountains. I have spent many hours of my life just sitting and watching the surf rise and fall on the sand. It’s so calming, so peaceful. It’s similar to looking out over the Blue Ridge mountains on a crisp, clear October afternoon, so stunning and majestic. These are the experiences that define peace for us.

My hope is to be more intentional in creating moments of peace and rest for me and for my family in the coming year. God rested on the seventh day and He commanded us to honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy. I can start by making Sunday a day of peace and rest and by creating times of peace and rest during the week for my family. The more time we can spend resting in the presence of God, the more rich and fulfilling our lives will be.

“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15

From my humble living room,


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

An Encouraging Word

Encouragement is awesome. It can actually change the course of another person's day, week, or life.” Chuck Swindoll

Last night, I took a risk.

Last night, I stepped outside my comfort zone and tried something I’ve always wanted to do.

Last night, I wrote and “published” my first blog post on Facebook.

Today, I was unexpectedly blessed!

It’s quite scary to expose your thoughts and feelings to a large group of people. You never know what people may think or how they may react. Of course, we aren’t supposed to be concerned with what others think; yet, it’s hard to push those thoughts aside. Well, despite my reservations, I did it! I posted my thoughts and guess what? People responded positively! I was pleasantly surprised by the encouraging response from my friends, both old and new!

The experience also encouraged me to continue to write! I feel more confident in sharing my point of view because my friends took the time to encourage me!

“Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.” ~ Philemon 1:7

God wants us to encourage others. He knows that life is hard and the road is long and difficult. As Christians, we must be present for each other to share in the joys and the sorrows of each other’s lives. When God gives us hope and the promise of eternity; he also expects us to share these blessings and to be His example to others in this world. We are commanded to share this good news with others to bring them to salvation and to help them accomplish all that God has planned for their lives.

It only takes a minute to encourage someone. You only have to listen and share a little positive motivation for their journey. Do I seek to encourage my family? Do I speak kind words to my husband and help him to see a silver lining when his day has headed south with the stock market? Do I take the time to help my son break down a daunting homework project into manageable pieces to help him grasp that it can indeed be accomplished? Do I remind my daughter how beautiful and special she is to God and to me when middle school cliques are in full force?

I have the power to influence another’s day, week, or life. I have the power to deliver hope. My choice of actions and words can make a difference. Listening to a friend and responding in love with my personal testimony can lead that friend to Christ and eternal life. Listening to a family member and responding in love with encouragement for their day can help them to achieve their dreams. Encouragement is one of the greatest gifts that we can give. I am so grateful for the many encouraging words given to me!

Monday, January 3, 2011

My 2011 Life Verse

It's a brand new year! Time for new beginnings and fresh starts. A time of hope and renewal. I am looking forward to starting a few new adventures this year and to accomplishing many things that will bring glory to God and peace and joy to my family.

This year in my BSF class, we have been studying the book of Isaiah. Tucked between the pages of this amazing book, are many wonderful treasures and some of my favorite verses in the Bible. As I reflect on the changes that I want to make in my life in the coming year, and as I study the book of Isaiah, I have found that God is clearly speaking to me and telling me to TRUST Him!

Of course, "Trust" goes hand in hand with "Obedience" and both are the product of a strong "Belief in God". Do I truly believe God? Do I believe all that I read in the Bible each week? Without a doubt, I absolutely believe all that I read in the Bible. My problem comes in trusting God; handing my concerns over to Him and patiently waiting for his resolution, his answers.

As God revealed this to me in my daily quiet time, he also led me to this wonderful verse:

"In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength." Isaiah 30:15

God is so wonderfully gracious and wise and I love it when he reveals Himself to me through scripture!

Repentance, rest, quietness and trust. Not pride, worry, anxiety, exhaustion and chaos! I can give it all to Him and He will bring me rest. My strength comes from my quiet trust in the Lord!

How is it that God always know exactly what we need? He is ever so wise and wonderful! From this day forward, I will strive to live a life of repentance, rest, quietness and trust for the Lord is my strength!

What's your verse for 2011? I guarantee you if you take the time to read your Bible, God will reveal his plans for you! Wishing you many special blessings in the New Year!

From my humble living room,
