Tuesday, January 4, 2011

An Encouraging Word

Encouragement is awesome. It can actually change the course of another person's day, week, or life.” Chuck Swindoll

Last night, I took a risk.

Last night, I stepped outside my comfort zone and tried something I’ve always wanted to do.

Last night, I wrote and “published” my first blog post on Facebook.

Today, I was unexpectedly blessed!

It’s quite scary to expose your thoughts and feelings to a large group of people. You never know what people may think or how they may react. Of course, we aren’t supposed to be concerned with what others think; yet, it’s hard to push those thoughts aside. Well, despite my reservations, I did it! I posted my thoughts and guess what? People responded positively! I was pleasantly surprised by the encouraging response from my friends, both old and new!

The experience also encouraged me to continue to write! I feel more confident in sharing my point of view because my friends took the time to encourage me!

“Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.” ~ Philemon 1:7

God wants us to encourage others. He knows that life is hard and the road is long and difficult. As Christians, we must be present for each other to share in the joys and the sorrows of each other’s lives. When God gives us hope and the promise of eternity; he also expects us to share these blessings and to be His example to others in this world. We are commanded to share this good news with others to bring them to salvation and to help them accomplish all that God has planned for their lives.

It only takes a minute to encourage someone. You only have to listen and share a little positive motivation for their journey. Do I seek to encourage my family? Do I speak kind words to my husband and help him to see a silver lining when his day has headed south with the stock market? Do I take the time to help my son break down a daunting homework project into manageable pieces to help him grasp that it can indeed be accomplished? Do I remind my daughter how beautiful and special she is to God and to me when middle school cliques are in full force?

I have the power to influence another’s day, week, or life. I have the power to deliver hope. My choice of actions and words can make a difference. Listening to a friend and responding in love with my personal testimony can lead that friend to Christ and eternal life. Listening to a family member and responding in love with encouragement for their day can help them to achieve their dreams. Encouragement is one of the greatest gifts that we can give. I am so grateful for the many encouraging words given to me!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the encouraging words, Kim! I enjoy reading your thoughts and digesting them for my use!
