Monday, January 3, 2011

My 2011 Life Verse

It's a brand new year! Time for new beginnings and fresh starts. A time of hope and renewal. I am looking forward to starting a few new adventures this year and to accomplishing many things that will bring glory to God and peace and joy to my family.

This year in my BSF class, we have been studying the book of Isaiah. Tucked between the pages of this amazing book, are many wonderful treasures and some of my favorite verses in the Bible. As I reflect on the changes that I want to make in my life in the coming year, and as I study the book of Isaiah, I have found that God is clearly speaking to me and telling me to TRUST Him!

Of course, "Trust" goes hand in hand with "Obedience" and both are the product of a strong "Belief in God". Do I truly believe God? Do I believe all that I read in the Bible each week? Without a doubt, I absolutely believe all that I read in the Bible. My problem comes in trusting God; handing my concerns over to Him and patiently waiting for his resolution, his answers.

As God revealed this to me in my daily quiet time, he also led me to this wonderful verse:

"In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength." Isaiah 30:15

God is so wonderfully gracious and wise and I love it when he reveals Himself to me through scripture!

Repentance, rest, quietness and trust. Not pride, worry, anxiety, exhaustion and chaos! I can give it all to Him and He will bring me rest. My strength comes from my quiet trust in the Lord!

How is it that God always know exactly what we need? He is ever so wise and wonderful! From this day forward, I will strive to live a life of repentance, rest, quietness and trust for the Lord is my strength!

What's your verse for 2011? I guarantee you if you take the time to read your Bible, God will reveal his plans for you! Wishing you many special blessings in the New Year!

From my humble living room,


1 comment:

  1. Amen Kim. Not sure where I heard this but "if we don't have time to spend with God, then we need to change what we do to make time." Nothing is more important.
    Keep up the encouraging word.

